Presentation Details
Here below is generalized format for the presentation. We have allowed 30 minutes in total for each presenter including time for discussion (18-22 min for the talk and 10-12 minutes for discussion). Please tailor your presentation accordingly and adhere to the time limits.
- Project Title
- Mentee
- Name and Institution
- Mentors
- Name and Institution
- Please give a brief overview of your project.
- Overall Goals and Specific Aims of your project
- Hypotheses investigated since the last presenation
- Summary: Experimental Approach/Results (2-3 Slides)
- Brief summary of Experimental approach/es and results accomplished since last presentation
- Impediments & Solutions
- Did you encounter any impediments in accomplishing your project? If so, what steps did you take to overcome this?
- Next Steps
- What are the next steps in your research?
- Project progress
- Summarize measurable accomplishments such as papers, abstracts, grants submitted or funded, and students trained.
- Address how does this fit within the overall time line for the project.
- Acknowledgements
- Acknowledgements (Grant acknowledgement template is here:
Here are some presentation templates (