Louisiana Biomedical Research Network

Louisiana Biomedical Research Network | 12 of 14

LBRN - Pine Biotech Fall/Winter Bioinformatics Orientation and Courses

We are pleased to announce the CCT/LBRN - Pine Biotech Fall/Winter Bioinformatics course for LSU/LBRN Network institutions Students, Grad and Undergrad, PostDocs and Faculty members. In preparation for this Course an Orientation session was held on Monday October 22nd, 2018 from 10am - 12 pm at LSU CCT. Video and Opt-In links see the Full Story:

LBRN Lecture Series on Molecular Structure and Function of Proteins

This is a series on Molecular Structure and Function of Proteins. Opt-in to this lecture series can be made by this link: Protein Course Opt-In and the following are freely accessible without opt-in permissions the 

Announcement- Requesting Research Proposals for LBRN funding - Internal Deadline Extended

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Letter of Intent for the following LBRN Fund Proposals competitions. Letter of Intent (LOI) Deadline: September 10, 2018 at 4:30pm and

Internal Submission Deadline Extended: Tuesday, October 30, 2018.

For more information on each proposal type available and the other deadline and proposal details, continue to the FULL STORY below.

LBRN Summer Bioinformatics Workshop

Following the Louisiana Biomedical Research Network Summer Bioinformatics Program 2 Day Workshop we had on June 25-26th, the third workshop is taking place on July 30th at LSU Digital Media Center at the Center for Computation and Technology auditorium. This is a continuation of the program that started June 6 and last through July-August, providing students and faculty access to online resources and

LBRN Summer Research Seminars

LBRN Summer Program seminars every Tuesday from 9:00am - 11:00am at LSU Life Sciences Annex room A101 Auditorium. This Tuesday, June 26th, 2018 we have the following speakers:

LBRN Summer Research Seminars

LBRN Summer Program seminars every Tuesday from 9:00am - 11:00am at LSU Life Sciences Annex room A101 Auditorium. This Tuesday, June 26th, 2018 we have the following speakers: