Louisiana Biomedical Research Network

Louisiana Biomedical Research Network | 11 of 14

7th Annual LA Conference on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, April 5-6, 2019

We are happy to announce that the 7th Annual Louisiana Conference on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Registration is open for the April 5 and 6, 2019 at Louisiana State University Center of Computation and Technology's Digital Media Center in Baton Rouge.

17th LBRN Annual Meeting

We are happy to announce that the 17th LBRN Annual Meeting will be held on Friday-Saturday on January 18 — 19, 2019 at Louisiana State University Center of Computation and Technology's Digital Media Center in Baton Rouge.

LBRN Summer Research Program Application 2019

Applications for the 2019 Summer Research Program deadline are open for undergraduate, graduate, and faculty.

7th Annual LA Conference on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics - Save the Date

Save the Date! We are happy to announce that the 7th Annual Louisiana Conference on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics will be held on April 5 and 6, 2019 at Louisiana State University Center of Computation and Technology's Digital Media Center in Baton Rouge.

Innovation Louisiana 2018

November 12-14, 2018: Innovation Louisiana is an annual conference, pitch competition, and technology showcase, held by The New Orleans BioInnovation Center, that brings together innovators, entrepreneurs, investors and technology scouts in the life science, green energy and STEM community. These events educate innovators, provide networking opportunities, and showcase the groundbreaking scientific research being done within Louisiana universities and startups.

LBRN/CCT - Pine Biotech Fall/Winter Bioinformatics Program

We are pleased to announce the CCT/LBRN - Pine Biotech Fall/Winter Bioinformatics Program for LSU/LBRN Network institutions Students, Grad and Undergrad, PostDocs and Faculty members. For registration and program schedule information:

Extended Registration Deadline, Thursday, November 1, 2018.

LBRN/CCT - Pine Biotech Fall/Winter Bioinformatics Link

Please see the following link for information on the LBRN/CCT Fall/Winter Bioinformatics Program:

Extended Registration Deadline, Thursday, November 1, 2018.