The Bioinformatics, Biostatistics, and Computational Biology Core (BBCC) of the Louisiana Biomedical Research Network (LBRN) serves to train and support project investigators and their teams across Louisiana, and to lead and support translational research activities at the frontiers of biomedical science. Its team uses both established and custom computational tools, operating at computational scales ranging from the mundane to analyses engaging many hundreds of compute cores.


Molecular and Cell Biology Resources Core (MCBRC) provides an essential linkage among important basic fields of biomedical science, such as genetics, developmental biology, structural biology, immunology, neurobiology, and cancer biology. The MCBRC takes advantage of existing highly organized, centralized services and equipment facilities located primarily at the LSU flagship institution in Baton Rouge, effectively uniting these units toward the common goal of supporting biomedical research performed by PUI investigators. The MCBRC will provide technical and logistical support, enabling the ready exchange of information, ideas, technology, and research capabilities among PUI investigators. MCBRC will ensure that PUI researchers have full access to state-of-the-art equipment and modern research techniques and services.

Cores Training & Support

The cores provide one on one training. If you have a question or would like to talk about your training needs, you would like more information about services provided by the cores, or you would like to talk to someone in the core about how someone can assist you, please use Cores Contact link:


The core conducts workshops during the year, for the latest conference and workshops see: LBRN Conference on Bioinformatics and the LBRN Workshops. Surveys are conducted prior to these workshops and during the year to best determine what topics to present and speakers to host.

Core Bucks​

The BBC Core and MCBR Core provides opportunities for researchers to acquire “Core Bucks” in order to support the informatics analysis of genomic data. Core Bucks requests from member institutions should be initiated through the BBC Core representative for your campus. Please see the Core Bucks Flyer for more details.

DSBC2 Core Resources

View and download the documentation for BBC Core hardware and software resources by clicking on the respective buttons below:


GeneLab is a multi-faceted core laboratory directed by the Division of BIOMMED in the School of Veterinary Medicine at Louisiana State University. GeneLab engages in specific research and training projects, which require expertise in Next-Generation Sequencing, traditional DNA sequencing, gene cloning, PCR, gene expression and other molecular methods. The goal of GeneLab is to facilitate the utilization of the state-of-the-art technologies in genomics research by LSU faculty and researchers nationwide at a competitive price and in a timely fashion.

Educational Lecture Series

The BBC Core provides access to introductory lecture series on Bioinformatics, Biostatistics, and Computational Biology topics which have been lecture captured. These series can be utilized for informal learning or as a basis for a topical course offered for credit at your home institution.

NGS Equipment

GeneLab is equipped with a suite of Life Technologies NGS equipment including Ion Torrent PGM, Ion Proton, and Quant Studio Flex (digital PCR validation). In addition, GeneLab has a variety of equipment to support NGS, including qPCR machines (ABI 7500 and 7900 and QuantStudio Flex systems); Fragment Analyzer from Advanced analytics to validate and quantify nucleic acid samples for NGS sample preparation; an epMotion robotic arm for high-throughput set-up and sampling; various computers and other equipment enabling quality control of nucleic acid samples and preparing nucleic acid extractions from many samples at once. GeneLab provides NGS methodologies (genomics, transcriptomics) in a strategic alliance with the BBCC. GeneLab operates Ion PGM and Ion Proton NGS equipment, which are linked to a local cluster having more than 200 terabytes of storage through dedicated high-end workstations. A visualization server supports Windows as well as Linux environments, providing memory intensive visualization tasks and tools working on both operating system (OS) environments. A computational server equipped with substantial memory (128 GB) and large number of cores (32) is networked to the Ion PGM and Ion Proton platforms for analyses requiring a large memory footprint and multi-core performance applications. These two high-end servers are backed by a network-connected expandable NAS storage system, which are directly connected to the servers and software tools integrated to the sequencing platforms, resulting in total storage space of over 120 Terabytes at this time. BBCC staff work closely with GeneLab to transfer and analyze data.