
LBRN Bioinformatics Training
LBRN is pleased to make available our 2022/2023 Winter Bioinformatics Training Opportunities for LBRN participants.

Developmental Research Project Program (DRPP) aims to strengthen and expand the research programs of the primarily undergraduate institutions (PUIs) through funding of peer-reviewed research projects. Doing so will increase the research training of students as well as the experiences of faculty. Both will have positive impacts on filling the pipeline of biomedical scientists within the state and expanding the workforce. Developmental Research Projects (DRP) include:
- New Faculty Start Up projects which a aimed at attracting more biomedical researchers to the state and help them establish a research laboratory;
- Pilot Research projects aimed at exploring a biomedical research idea through a peer reviewed process;
- Full projects which is aimed at expanding on the successes of Pilot projects and helping the investigator establish a research program in his/her laboratory;
- Developmental Translational Projects, which will promote translational research in collaboration with Louisiana’s IDeA-CTR, Louisiana Clinical and Translational Science Center (LA CaTS).
- Shared Instrumentation Grants will help with increasing the research infrastructure of the PUIs

Project Investigators
Featuring our currently funded project investigators in Full projects over several years, Pilot funded projects one year at a time, Translational Projects for one year, Start-Up funded projects for two years, Shared Instrument funded projects and our recently implemented INBRE COBRE Collaborative Projects. This is a list of our actively funded biomedical PUI campus researchers.
Funding Opportunities

Summer Research Program
The Louisiana Biomedical Research Network (LBRN) sponsors a summer research program in support of undergraduate students, graduate students and faculty from any Louisiana institute. We offer qualified participants the opportunity to work in established research laboratories at Louisiana State University, LSU School of Veterinary Medicine and LSU Pennington Biomedical Research Center. The goal of our program and funding is to support biomedical research through an increase in graduate school admissions in these scientific fields and make Louisiana researchers more competitive in obtaining federal funding for research.

Applications and Competitions for Grant Funding
The Louisiana Biomedical Research Network offers a limited number of grants and research programs to which qualified researchers may apply. Please look at the available programs listed below.