NIH Grants
- NIH R15 (AREA)
- PHS 398 Instructions and Forms
- Office of Extramural Research
- Guide for Grants and Contracts
- Grant Policy and Guidance
- Policy Statement
- Regional Seminars on Grants Administration
- Policy and Guidelines on the Inclusion of Children as Participants in Research Involving Human SubjectsPolicy and Guidelines on the Inclusion of Children as Participants in Research Involving Human Subjects
NIH Grant R15 Samples
- Human Subject Education Certification – Requirements
- All existing Assurances and Registered IRBs
- OHRP Federal Wide Assurances (FWA) for HS Research
- Office for Human Research Protections
- Definition of Children
- Investigator
- OER Human Subjects Web Site
- FAQ for the Requirement for Education on the Protection of Human Subjects