LSU Computational Biology Seminar Series

Event Date: multiple events, see below for each speaker.

Location: LSU Digital Media Center


The primary goal for the seminar series is to increase student awareness of the importance of computational approaches to modern biological research. Traditional biology majors may receive no exposure to computational techniques, yet such skills are fast becoming de facto requirements for many careers in the life sciences. Conversely, majors in computational disciplines may receive little or no exposure to modern biological research that would make them aware of the pressing biological problems to which their skills could be applied.


We hope that this seminar series…

  • Encourages students to take classes, do research, and seek out resources that allow them to cross the boundaries between biology and computation
  • Raises awareness of the computational biology research being done at LSU and around Louisiana
  • Encourages biology students to consider careers that leverage computational methods
  • Encourages students in computational disciplines to consider careers in biological research.
LSU Computational Biology Seminar Media: Seminar Videos

When & Where


Talks are being held at the LSU Digital Media Center, at the Center for Computation and Technology LSU Digital Media Center


Current Seminar Series Speakers

April 8, 2019, 4:30 PM, DMC Rm 1034

Dr. Lex Flagel

University of Minnesota, Adjunct Professor, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology and Bayer Crop Sciences, Research Scientist

An introduction to deep learning and its applications in evolutionary biology

February 27, 2019, 4:30 PM, DMC Theater

Dr. April Wright

Southeastern Louisiana University, Faculty

Estimating phylogenetic trees from discrete morphological data- Modeling evolution to understand the past